Policies & Procedures

The manufacturer may change specifications at any time without notification to us. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that display homes can be duplicated exactly as shown. To receive or verify current product information, please contact Cousin Garys.
The pictures and graphics which you see on this site, including all text, is the property of Cousin Gary’s and is for the purpose of giving our customers a look at the various kinds of homes we sell. No pictures, copy or other items may be used for anything other than personal use without the express written permission of Cousin Gary Homes. We do not guarantee the exact home will be in stock or available, but we do our best to give our customers the home they desire. We cannot guarantee all information on our website is accurate as info may fluctuate and change before we are able to effect the change on the site. Cousin Gary’s does not endorse and affiliated websites or non-affiliated or 3rd party websites but provides links for a convenience for our customers.
All homes, floor plans, outside photos, interior photos, and graphics are examples of what we may have available. These representations, including features, options, square footage and pricing, may vary and are approximates. They may also change without notice. It is up to you to make sure you call us to find current pricing and availability.